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Latest issue first. Versions before 1.00 are beta-test versions.
v0.13a (13th Jun 1999)
Fixed bug where ArcLink5 occasionally locked up when directly transferring a file from the Psion into a RISC OS application such as Pipedream.
Added translation where SHIFT-SPACEs are converted to normal spaces when converting Word files into Text files.
v0.13 (13th Jun 1999)
Re-coded main display window so that full details are given instead of large icons.
Fixed a couple of bugs to stop you trying to delete 'open' files on the Psion.
MAJOR NEW ADDITION - Added rudimentary file conversion to save Acorn text files as 'Word' files on the Psion and vice versa.
Error no longer given if you try to create a directory which already exists on the Psion.
Fixed bug whereby replacing a file on the Psion now updates the Acorn filer display correctly, rather than adding a second entry.
Added code to prevent two copies of ArcLink5 running at once.
Made sort on Name case-insensitive.
MAJOR NEW ADDITION - Added recursive, hiararchical copying from the Acorn to the Psion.
Added some more error checking conditions.
Added support for more Psion error messages.
Added support for !SparkFS so that you can drag archives to ArcLink5 to automatically extract the files into a new directory.
MAJOR NEW ADDITION - Added rudimentary file conversion to read OPL files from the Psion and convert them to Acorn text files.
v0.12 (17th Nov 1998)
Fixed silly bug where I forgot to reset the baud rate correctly when you saved choices and then re-loaded them. This created serial frame errors next time you loaded ArcLink5.
Extended serial delay slightly to allow for the Psion opo file to quit correctly when you have changed the baud rate and then quit the Acorn end.
Re-designed the Psion.opo file for additional screen clarity, including current baud rate display.
v0.11 (10th Nov 1998)
Fixed bug where ArcLink5 failed to set the correct baud rate on loading, if a different baud rate was saved in the choices.
Fixed bug where serial ports other than 0 (on fast serial port cards) failed to work correctly.
v0.10 (30th Oct 1998)
Made slight alteration to registration code.
Adjusted so that Risc OS version is read correctly, even if you have installed the new window manager on pre Risc PC machines.
Serial port is only reset when if exit, if you've actually contacted the Psion, else ArcLink5 should exit neatly.
Amended block driver initialisation so that any remaining problems should be fixed.
Added error logging (if 'debug' turned on) so that any errors are logged in the ArcLink5 scrap dir.
Initialisation/error handling updated to allow ArcLink5 to turn off SerialDevs if choices were saved to on, and then ArcLink5 reloaded with no Serial card present.
Modified date reading routines so that additional modules such as "SensibleTime" should work ok.
Amended to allow faster baud rates than 19200 on A5000 machines with Atomwide Serial cards fitted.
Amended ArcLink5 to only work at 9600 baud until registered.
v0.09 (2nd Sep 1998)
Tidied up !SerialDev routines so that ArcLink5 is more stable at detecting the existence of Serial cards fitted to the machine.
Removed calls to SerialDev if no serial device driver is selected to prevent unexpected crashes.
Fixed bug in file date sorting routine.
v0.08 (27th Jul 1998)
Added (and tested) support for the Atomwide dual serial port cards. Thanks are due to Chris Manning who very kindly loaned me his serial card in order to test this facility.
Tidied up some of the menu options to give a neater display on pre-Risc PC machines.
Fixed a minor bug which sometimes resulted in an incorrect directory listing from the Psion being displayed.
Tidied up some internal transfer routines in order to make the transfer a bit neater and hopefully much more reliable.
Fixed superfluous file occasionally appearing inside the Acorn viewer window when looking at empty directories on the Psion.
Fixed registration code to work with overseas time codes.
v0.07 (26th Feb 1998)
Fixed bug in changing baud rate code with SerialDev.
Fixed bug in grabbing directories containing lots of files.
Speeded directory grabbing up a bit.
Fixed bug where if no SerialDev was selected they were all permanently greyed out and you couldn't turn them back on.
Updated Psion ArcLink5.opo slightly.
v0.06a (20th Feb 1998)
Removed some debugging code inadvertantly left in v0.06
v0.06 (18th Feb 1998)
Fixed bug where if a differing baud rate to 19200 was saved in the choices, the baud rate failed to sync with Psion next time you load ArcLink5. ArcLink5 now transmits the new baud rate on initialisation.
The baud rate is reset to 19200 when you quit ArcLink5 (this is mainly for debugging purposes, so can be ignored)
Fiddled around with "Resetserial" procedure to fix serial port corruption at high speeds (introduced in v0.05)
v0.05 (29th Jan 1998) - Archive cover disc (March 1998)
Speeded up getting directories from Psion.
Added extra configuration options into 'Messages' file (see manual for details)
Fixed bug in international routine. Foreign message and template files should now work.
Changed menu structure to allow for foreign language menus.
Added iconsprites command to !Run file to ensure that ArcLink5 has it's icon, even if it has been run directory from a !Boot or application launcher sequence.
Added (hopefully) support for !SerialDev and Atomwide fast serial ports (I don't have one, so please give feedback as I've coded this blindly from the specs.)
Started to add error checking on the Psion end. If a fatal error occurs on the Psion, it should survive and send the relevant error code back to the Acorn. N.B. This will be improved as ArcLink5 becomes more stable.
Added support for 'inaccessible' files on the Psion. These appear an an unknown filetype (file_xxx) in the Acorn filer display.
Fixed bug where directory window always appears on left of screen instead of where you dragged it to.
Changed default directory opening position to be relative to the current screen mode.
Fixed bug where empty directories were displayed containing a single file (which didn't actually exist)
Implemented display sorting options in Acorn filer window.
Added 'Abort!' option to main menu as an emergency abort of directory transfers.
Implemented copying whole directories from the Psion to the Acorn (N.B. Sub-directories are not yet copied!)
v0.04a (19th Jan 1998)
Fixed minor bug in filetype conversion so that the filetype is no longer case-sensitive.
Implemented moving files by holding SHIFT down when dragging files.
Fixed minor bug which caused a slight delay at the end of transferring a new directory from the Psion.
v0.04 (15th Jan 1998)
Extended maximum directory size/depth from 77 to 255 files.
Added user-defined character translations when converting filenames to and from Psion<->Acorn filename formats. (Codings are inside !ArcLink5.Resources.Trans)
Extended menu structure to allow for 'Display' (when supported!)
Extended menu structure to allow for filer 'Options'. ('Newer' is not yet supported)
Extended 'unregistered' timeout period from 1st Feb 1998 to 15th Feb 1998.
Added filetype mapping table to help convert Psion file extensions into suitable Acorn filetypes.
Implemented datestamp reading.
Designed a sprite file (and Acorn filetype of 090) for Psion OPO files. (Please feel free to improve upon the sprite!)
v0.03 (9th Jan 1998)
Added support for dragging directly from applications to the Psion window. This will transfer data straight from the app to the Psion. The reverse is also possible, so you could drag a file from the Psion window straight into !Zap for instance.
Set filetype icon correctly when dragging a file across to the Psion and the Acorn window is updated.
Fixed bug (icons getting corrupted when given the option to delete a long filename file from the Psion)
Improved transfer speed TO Acorn. It is now as fast as going TO the Psion. 100k files now transfer in under 30 seconds.
Added code so that all baud rates up to 115200 baud are supported (registered version only)
Fixed bug where some directories displayed on the Acorn as empty, and gave a "Folder not found" error on the Psion.
Added International support for foreign language messages and templates.
Added 'Choices' menu.
Converted spaces in Psion filenames to "_" (underscore) when converting to Acorn file format.
Made Acorn end multi-task while doing transfers (optional - controlled by 'Choices.Multitask' menu option)
Added warning before overwriting Acorn files.
Amended filer display to look the same as the Risc OS filer windows.
Added option to quit the Psion prog at the same time as the Acorn application ('Choices.Quit opo')
Fixed bug in rename so that non Acorn filer characters are correctly converted.
Implemented 'Count' for seeing how long Psion files are.
Amended Psion opo so as not to switch the machine off through no use when transferring files.
Added SHIFT-doubleclick to load files straight from Psion filer window into text editor.
Modified menu widths to look ok on pre-Risc PC machines.
Tested ok on RISC OS 3.1 machines (subject to serial port wiring)
v0.02 (3rd Jan 1997)
- Fixed a few silly bugs and added a couple of features
Extended 'Rename' entry field to allow up to 255 characters (rather than 10 previously)
Fixed bug in that sending files over 16k to the Psion got truncated at 16k
Added support for creating new directories.
Correctly closes filer window when a new device (C: or D:) is opened.
v0.01 (2nd Jan 1998) - FIRST BETA TEST VERSION
Original release version (seems to work ok!)
There may be a few bugs, but I thought I'd let people play around with it and suggest additional comments.